1/10/2018 The Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University is fortunate to own three major installations by Jesus Moroles. Fountain Wall consists of a beautifully articulated granite wall that is animated as water cascades across the surface. Recent earthquake activity in our region damaged the alignment of the granite panels, necessitating the complete rebuilding of the piece. Moroles Art Company worked closely with our staff to assess the damage and then develop a plan to repair the work. Our highest praise to the Moroles team for their careful and meticulous treatment of one of prize works of art on campus. This was a complicated treatment with lots of moving parts, and the final results exceeded expectations.
Bob Workman Director Ulrich Museum of Art Wichita, Kansas
As Co-Chairs of the Public Art Committee at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, Nancy Evans and I have had the pleasure of working on two installation projects with Suzanna Moroles and Kurt Kangas of Moroles & Associates. We initially met with Jesus Moroles in October 2014 to commission a sculpture for a new building going up at Lamar University. Jesus died tragically in 2015 before the sculpture or the building was completed. Fortunately, the sculptures were three-fourths finished, and Jesus had been to the construction site to determine the layout. Having had the experience and knowledge of working beside Jesus Moroles for 30 years, Suzanna and Kurt managed the completion and installation of our project with confidence, skill and speed. The three Georgia gray granite Spirit Columns and two benches, installed in July of 2016, are located in the courtyard of the Wayne A. Reaud Administration Building and Honors College on Rolfe Christopher Drive.
In August of 2017, Suzanna and Kurt installed a second Moroles sculpture purchased from a private collector. The black granite Musical Stele is just over 8 feet tall with very delicate fins along the sides. It weighs over 850 pounds. The team members of Moroles Art Co. erected a scaffolding, carefully raised the sculpture up with a pulley system, and lifted it into place on its stabilizing pin and base. They completed the project in a matter of hours, despite having to cut the pin to fit into the new base created for the space. This sculpture is located in the lobby of the Center for Innovation and Commercialization and Entrepreneurship also on Rolfe Christopher Drive at Lamar University.
Kim Steinhagen Co-Chair Public Art Committee Lamar University Beaumont, Texas